Korean Traditional Garden 'Huiwon'

In Canada, Korean Traditional Garden is very rare compared to Chinese Garden or Japanese Garden. Most Canadians have probably never seen a Korean style garden.

image from : 'Huiwon' website

Korean Traditional Garden is very unique because its main focus is not a garden, but a natural view around the garden. Garden is just a small part of this whole area. So, many Korean traditional gardens are all different as around environment.

image from : 'Huiwon' website

However, there are some characteristics of Korean traditional garden. It is a square and circle type in the middle of garden. Squared pond means an earth and shade, and circled small island in the pond means a sun and light. This is called Yin-Yang theory.

image from : 'Huiwon' website

In addition, Evergreen, particularly, pine tree is very important in Korean traditional garden. Pine tree symbolizes an everlasting loyalty and fidelity. Many Koreans in the past time liked to plant this pine tree.

image from : 'Huiwon' website

Korean Traditional Garden, Huiwon is included in Ho-am museum, and is located at Yong-in city, Korea. It is one hour distance from Seoul, the capital city of Korea.

image from : 'Huiwon' website

Here are various deciduous trees as well as many pine trees. In the spring time, people can see a beautiful blooming, and in the autumn time, they can see a fantastic fall coloured tree. However, pine trees are the most awesome tree in many trees.

image from : 'Huiwon' website

Huiwon has a lot of old sculptures in the pathway. These stone statues are shaped as old generals or ministers of 500 years ago. It will be very impressive to you.

image from : 'Huiwon' website

'Beautiful Gardens' 카테고리의 다른 글

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